In 2024, Use the Top 12 Best Databases for Web Applications

Are you a developer who wants to create a web application but is confused about which database to use? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Databases are essential for web applications as they store and retrieve data. Choosing the right database for web application can make all the difference in terms of performance, scalability and security. In this article, we will discuss the top 12 best databases for web applications and their features to help you make an informed decision.

What is a Database & Why it’s So Important?

A database is a relational and non-relational systematic collection of data that has been carefully arranged. Information including client records, inventory listings and product catalogs, is stored in a web database. App development companies utilize relational databases to store information such as addresses and names of customers, details about orders and details about products. what is database There are numerous companies whose success and future depend on the success of their database. Databases are crucial for both offline and online enterprises. These are used for multiple purposes, which include creating consumer profiles, keeping track of orders and inventories, and monitoring financial records.
  • A web application database is an essential component that acts as a central repository for business logic and user data. Additionally, it requires little effort to store intricate data structures.
  • Businesses utilize databases to gather and maintain information on their clients, their inventories and finances. They are often utilized in research initiatives to keep records of testing or studies.

How & What Type of Database Should You Choose for Your Web Development Project?

Today, everything in the world significantly relies on data. It’s no secret that more organizations than ever before are investing in data storage. To keep ahead of the competition, organizations are constantly looking for innovative ways to gather high-quality data more quickly. One tool they employ for this is a database. Here is the database lists that can be widely used for web applications:


Oracle is the most prominent database management system due to its scalability and excellent performance. It was created using RDBMS and assembly languages like C, Java and C++. It examines data faster and takes up less space as compared to traditional databases. It is frequently cited as the top database for web applications. Oracle is the most frequently used database and has added innovative features to make it a desirable option going forward.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that supports multiple model types. It is becoming more popular based on the fact that it has features like data recovery and fast data processing. MySQL databases are in high demand among web developers looking for robustness, dependability, or maturity. It supports a client-server architecture and is able to easily integrate with other engines like Apache. my sql  


PostgreSQL is among the most often used options for online applications. It is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with a number of features. PostgreSQL is preferred for mission-critical applications and is renowned for its dependability and resilience. It has a sizable user and developer community that can help and contribute to the project.

MS SQL Server

MS SQL Server is an efficient and widely used relational database management system. The workload is efficiently managed and several users can access the same database. It creates specific containers that give you the ability to incorporate group views and scripts. Both Linux and Windows allow for the modification, storage and security of data.


Firebase is a cloud-based NoSQL database that is designed for real-time applications. It offers excellent support for web applications and is known for its ease of use and scalability. Firebase is compatible with most programming languages and offers advanced features such as real-time synchronization and user authentication.


MongoDB is a cross-platform, open-source, document-oriented, and NoSQL database management system. This tool is preferred for working with high-volume data storage. For this, a fully managed cloud service, as well as a self-managed infrastructure, are provided. It is the best solution for web applications requiring high performance and large scale.


SQLite is an open-source relational database management system written in C language. With the help of this utility, you can compress files and remove unnecessary metadata. It is the most popular database engine since it is dependable and frequently used for mobile applications. It functions as a temporary dataset and can handle low- to medium-level HTTP requests. SQLite’s fundamental API is compact and easy to use. Terabyte-sized databases can be supported and have no external requirements.


Elasticsearch is a potent search engine that may be used to create online applications that are quick and scalable. It is built on top of the Apache Lucene search framework and provides a RESTful interface for indexing and searching data. Elasticsearch is simple to use and compatible with a wide range of programming languages. It offers horizontal scaling through automatic sharing and a REST API. Additionally, it allows structured and schema-less data (JSON), which is particularly well suited for data analysis from monitoring and logging.

Apache Cassandra

Cassandra is the most popular database for website and high-performance web applications. It is a distributed database that can effectively manage massive amounts of data. Cassandra is an application that demands real-time access and strict performance requirements. It is also simple to scale horizontally, so as your application expands, it can manage more and more data.


Redis is the most effective open-source database that provides excellent performance, scalability and customization. Web applications that deal with a lot of data and traffic are ideal for this. It is a key-value database management system written in the ANSI C programming language. This allows partial resynchronization, asynchronous replication and auto-reconnection. Redis can also be used as a message broker and distributed cache.


IBM DB2 data can be arranged, stored and retrieved using the system from any source. Web applications that store and work with huge amounts of data handle both organized and unstructured data. Although the relational architecture is supported by a number of mobile app databases and has expanded dramatically in recent years. IBM DB2 now supports non-relational forms like JSON and XML as well as object-relational features.


DynamoDB provides smooth scaling along with high performance and availability. You can outsource the administrative tasks associated with running and expanding a highly available database cluster. There are no restrictions on how much data you can store or how many queries DynamoDB can handle. DynamoDB collaborates with AWS services that make it possible to easily create serverless applications. It has a thorough security mechanism that enables you to safeguard your data from unauthorized access. IAM policies and fine-grained access control lists (ACLs) allow you to govern who has access to your data and what actions they are permitted to take.


If you are looking for a web app development company, you should think about these top 12 best databases for web applications. This will contribute to the efficient and effective operation of your website. With so many alternatives available, selecting the one that best suits your needs may prove difficult. However, we hope that this list has helped you clarify your options and have a better picture of what’s available.


Q: Which Database is Best for the Web?

Ans: The best database to use for a web application depends on several factors, such as the nature of the application, scalability requirements, data structure and budget. However, some popular choices for web applications include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Firebase.

Q: Can We Use SQL as a Database for a Website?

Ans: No, SQL is used to interact with databases. You can use any of the above-mentioned top 12 databases for web application development.

Q: What Database Does WordPress Use?

Ans: WordPress, by default, uses a database management system called MySQL to store and manage its content. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used in web applications, including content management systems like WordPress. However, it’s worth noting that WordPress also supports other database systems, such as MariaDB and SQLite, through third-party plugins and configurations.

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