How Do Free Apps Make Money: Everything You Need to Know


Today, mobile apps are an essential part of our lives to make money with free apps. You all want to succeed financially and build the best ad network mobile application. It is crucial to plan out an app income strategy before developing apps. Our industry experts will let you know about developing money-making applications and how apps generate revenue.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Developing Money-Making Apps

Before spending money on designing and developing your app, it is essential to take the time to consider a few factors. While you can conduct your own research, it would be great to receive technical guidance from a reliable mobile app development company or business experts that are knowledgeable about creating profitable apps.

App Objective

Before deciding on one of the monetization options, you must be informed of the type of your application. When thinking about how apps make money, it’s important to keep the app’s purpose in mind. You can choose the best monetization strategy for your application, such as content applications or service subscription models if you have a clear understanding of its intended use.

Target Audience

The target audience helps in defining how an app might make money depending on its intended audience. It is crucial to choose a monetization approach that won’t waste their time when developing mobile apps for business users. Before starting any plan, it is important to evaluate your target audience to properly use app monetization tactics to create an online income.

Analyzing competitor

Conducting a competitive analysis of potential mobile app concepts is necessary before deciding how to monetise an app. The insights help in gaining an understanding of methods for competing applications in the market. You can find the monetization business strategy for your application if you conduct an investigation and are aware of your competition. A solid marketing plan will also boost your advertising and sales for your mobile app development.


Your choice of technology improves the user experience, distinguishes your app from the competition and also increases revenue from mobile apps. The money earned from mobile applications also depends on the type of technology we are using to develop them.

Monetization of Free Apps Using Mobile Ad Networks and Tools

If you want to develop the best apps making money or already have one, you must decide what monetization method to employ. We have gathered some of the best mobile app monetization ad networks and solutions.

Amazon Publisher Services

Web and app publishers may create, develop and monetize their digital enterprises with the help of Amazon Publisher Services (APS). It is a cloud-based marketplace that unifies all the products Amazon has created for publishers into a single package. These services enable publishers to increase sales with a single call to Amazon’s cloud-based marketplace, with no impact on latency. A big, competitive field of bidding and greater publisher transparency are responsible for the growth in revenue.

Google AdMob

Google can assist app developers in increasing the revenue from their apps using Admob. Admob matches advertising with your app as per the criteria you choose. Advertisers who want to market their products fund and commission the creation of the advertisements. The amount you make will vary because these advertisers charge varying amounts for different adverts.


You may access multiple Yahoo Gemini advertisers through Yahoo app publishing. On your app, Yahoo displays native, full-screen and banner advertisements. The biggest feature of this service is that it gives you access to Flurry Analytics and revenue opportunities.


Unity Ads is the most prominent ad monetization method for mobile game apps. It can use mobile apps to display a variety of ads, including augmented reality ads, playable ads, movies, and others. Operating systems, connections, and country target campaigns for CPM and CPI. Unity ads can be configured to integrate with plugins from MoPub, SkyRocket, or other mediating businesses.


Tapjoy is the market leader in the offer wall category. The ad network links publishers with leading advertisers and offers virtual cash to mobile consumers who interact with playables, offerwall advertising, content lock, and interstitials. Users of gaming apps for iOS, Android, and mobile web who don’t want to use real money can now be monetized. Tapjoy supports real-time reporting and the CPC, CPI and CPM pricing models.


StartApp targets and creates ad units that can help you achieve high eCPMs and fill rates. It offers various types of advertisements including playable, virtual reality, interstitial, splash, 360 ads, video and MREC banners. StartApp assists publishers in obtaining the most interesting ads through these different ad formats.

Audience Network

Meta Audience Network assists you in generating revenue with your iOS or Android app. A mobile app available on the Google Play Store or App Store and a Facebook account are required to start making money. As a Google mobile ad network, Meta Audience Network operates globally and supports the DIY monetization strategy to set up and make money from advertisements.


MoPub is one of the best mobile ad networks for app developers and publishers worldwide. MoPub offers native, interstitials, banners, and rewarded advertisements. You can access several bid methods, including network reporting, Auto CPM, and sophisticated bidding with a network-supported instance. They offer technical help and troubleshooting that is more effective.


AppLovin is the largest real-time bidding exchange and more bidders are reportedly offered via its MAX mediation platform. The all-in-one solution supports native, interstitial, banner and rewarded video advertisements and runs on iOS, Android, Adobe Air, Unreal, Unity, FireOS, Cordova and React. The most effective ad combinations are found with the use of real-time QA and testing tools.


AdColony is a mobile app advertising platform for video commercials that provides Instant-PlayTM HD video, AuroraTM HD interactive video and other playable technologies. It displays only top-notch advertising material to increase user engagement with mobile app ads.

What Are the App Monetization Strategies?

App monetization makes the app free to install and generates revenue through free apps. App monetization strategies are crucial to ensuring that your application makes money online and keeping the user experience intact.

In-App Purchases

This strategy enables you to buy services, content and exclusive features using tactics within the app. You can utilize these measurable and confirmed revenue statistics to generate app money. You make purchases within the app to enhance its usage. Ensure that the app’s monetization strategy enhances the user experience. Additionally, program store page, note that although your app is free, in-app purchases are necessary. You can reward customers for their purchases, let them know about time-limited discounts and entice them to make purchases in your app.

In-App Advertising

Digital advertising is a well-established means of monetization of app on the World Wide Web when mobile, followed by opening the Apple App Store and Google Play. This monetization approach was immediately adapted by app developers for mobile, with banner ads having to adjust to the smaller mobile footprint. Since that time, interstitial, video, native and text advertisements, as well as other options tailored to the mobile environment, have grown into app banner ads for mobile ads.


The subscription-based app monetization model acknowledges that it has improved the company, growing its user base and income. You can download the app for free the first time, but after that, you have to subscribe for further special services. You must decide on a subscription approach that will turn you into a subscriber and stop current subscribers from leaving.


This would be a successful user base expansion tactic, containing both free and paid features. You are able to use the application’s fundamental features when using the free version. Free apps have faster download times since consumers can test them out before paying for anything. Finding the ideal balance between offering too few and too many free features is important. If you have a sizable and engaged user base and can offer a desirable user experience to both paid and free consumers, you should employ it.

Data Monetization

Data monetization is a monetization strategy for apps that uses data and boosts profits. It is being used by businesses that are expanding quickly and more effectively. Direct data monetization sells direct access to data to outside parties. Insights and analysis, as well as raw data, might be sold. In contrast, indirect data monetization is a data-driven optimization that entails looking for insights in the data. You can use the data to understand consumer behavior and decide how to approach them to boost sales.

Freemium Vs Premium

Freemium and premium apps are responsible for generating revenues by providing free apps to the user and charging on some apps. Below is the difference between Freemium and Premium:

Freemium Vs Paid Apps Market

Our smartphones contain the majority of things we do today. Each year these or more apps with advanced functionality are available on Google Play and Apple App Store, creating rivalry among app developers. Over 8.9 million smartphone apps are currently offered for download worldwide, with 3.5 million of those found in the Google Play Store and 1.6 million in the Apple Store. On a mobile device, a user typically has roughly 40 apps installed. The highest-grossing applications are in the mobile gaming category and generate greater revenue. In general, non-gaming mobile apps only make up a third of overall sales.

Freemium Vs Free Trial Apps Market

A free trial is a customer acquisition strategy that offers potential customers a portion of a whole product for brief periods of time. While the freemium approach of customer acquisition gives potential customers unlimited, cost-free access to a portion of a software product. A Freemium appears to be a free trial with no time restriction.


You can develop free applications that are free for installing and earning money on apps. Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are the technology trends that every company must incorporate into their apps to stay ahead of the competition. There are countless options for how much money does an app make after being submitted to stores. You just need to look over your selections and choose the best one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which mobile platform should I choose for building an application?

Ans: There are multiple platforms available for developing mobile applications, including, Mobile Roadie, Zoho Creator, GoodBarber, Appy Pie, AppMachine, and many more.

Q: How do free apps make money without advertising?

Ans: Subscription, freemium, affiliate marketing, and print-on-demand are the ways to make money from free apps without advertising.

Q: What operating system is best for monetizing free mobile apps?

Ans: If it’s not viable to run mobile apps on both iOS and Android, decide based on the preferences of the target market and the intended monetization strategy. It is advisable to first publish your software on Apple’s software store before using subscriptions and in-app purchases. An Android app is a better place to reach a larger audience and make the majority of money from advertisements.

Q: How much does the Google Play Store pay per download of an Android app?

Ans: The Google Play Store keeps 30% of the money earned from Android apps and gives the remaining 70% to the developers.

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